Yoga For Hypertension/ Yogic Management Of Hypertension”

High blood pressure is also called hypertension. It is a serious condition that leads to heart attacks, strokes and even death. According to a 2014 report by the Journal of Hypertension, 29.3% of Indians suffer from hypertension.

This ‘silent killer’ is all the more dangerous because it displays no symptoms. So, the only way you can find out is by getting yourself checked regularly.

What Is Hypertension?

Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood vessels against its wall during circulation. The right pressure varies from person to person. The greater the pressure, the harder heart has to work.

Normal Blood Pressure: 120/80 mm Hg
Pre Hypertension: 140/90 mmHg
Hypertension: Higher than 160/100 mm Hg

Classification Of Hypertension:

Primary Hypertension: It is high blood pressure in the absence of any underlying disease. It can be caused by stress, heredity, race, climatic condition, obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption.

Secondary Hypertension: It is elevated blood pressure due to some underlying disease. It can be caused by Kidney Infection, improper functioning of endocrine glands, pregnancy, cardiovascular disease or some neurological conditions.

Risk Factors:

Age: Blood Pressure rises with the age in both the sexes.

Family History: Children born to hypertensive parents are at high risk of developing High B.P.

Obesity: Higher the weight, greater the risk of development of High B.P.

Excess Salt Intake: Salt contains sodium, which retains the fluid in the body that raises the blood pressure.

Physical Inactivity: People who are inactive are tend to have higher heart rate. The higher the heart rate, the harder the heart must work with each contraction putting a stronger force on the arteries.

Lack of Exercise: It increases the risk of being overweight and further chances of High B.P are increased.

Mental Stress: Stress leads to increased secretion of catecholamine in the body, which increases the blood pressure. If the stress factor is not tackled, B.P remains elevated chronically.

Sedentary lifestyle choices – smoking, drinking and doing drugs makes a person more prone to hypertension.

Diet And Lifestyle Modification:

1. Maintain a healthy weight by regularizing your eating habits by taking food at regular interval of time.

2. Regular Yoga is compulsory.

3. Have Aloe Vera Juice as the first intake in the morning after clearing your bowels.

4.Take food rich in antioxidants like Citrus fruits, Papaya, Tomatoes, Grains, Cereals, Green leafy vegetables.

5. Add Fibre rich food like vegetables and fruits- Apple, Orange, Carrot, Tomato, Beans etc.

6. Sprinkle Lemon juice over vegetables instead of table salt.

7. Avoid fried foods, cold drinks, pickles, pappad, chips, chutney which contain a lot of salt.

8. Stop alcohol & smoking habits.

9. Reduce Mental Stress as it is the most important factor in elevating the blood pressure.

10. Be positive and Relaxed.

Yogic Management Of Hypertension:

Healthy Mind & Healthy Diet plays an important role in balancing the mind. Asana involve breathing consciously and deeply, while synchronizing your body movements. They can help control blood pressure naturally, primarily by relieving stress.

1. Yoga asana can soothe the nerves and help slow down an abnormal heart rate.

2. Yoga helps in increasing immunity and reducing incidences of heart problems like heart attacks and strokes.

3. Lack of rest is a primary reason for stress and hypertension. Yogacan help regularize sleep habits and patterns.

4. Obesity can lead to hypertension. Regular practice of yoga and an improved diet regulates body weight.

5. Yoga gives positive energy to the body and mind. Yogamakes you happier and more hopeful in life. In the long run, this helps to lower high blood pressure.

Shatkarmas / Purificatory Process: Jalneti, Sutraneti.

Asanas: Tadasana, Katichakrasan, Hatottanasana, Ardh halasan, Pawan muktasana, Vajrasan, Ushtrasan, Gomukhasana, Shashankasana, Setubadhasana, Vakrasana, Baddhkonasana, Janushirashan, Sukhasana, Bhujangasana, Makrasana, Shavasana.

Pranayama: Naadishodhan Pranayam, Anulom Vilom Pranayam, Bhramari Pranayam, Shitali Pranayam, Yogic Breathing, Bhastrika Pranayam ( very slowly)

Meditation: Breath awareness, Omchanting and Om Meditation.


1. Avoid inverted poses like Shirshasana (Headstand) and hyperventilation Breathing. Here, your head is much lower than your heart. This can lead to a sudden and uncontrolled rush of blood to the head.

2. To control high blood pressure, regulate your diet and avoid habits such as smoking and drinking. Take one step at a time. Don’t be in a rush for results. You will then find a smooth path to holistic healing for your blood pressure problems!

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